Amanda Mollet

- Assistant Professor
Contact Info
1122 W. Campus Rd.
Lawrence, KS 66045-3101
Personal Links
Biography —
Dr. Amanda L. Mollet (she/her/hers) is an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies in the Higher Education Administration program at the University of Kansas. Dr. Mollet received her Ph.D. from the University of Iowa, her master’s degree from Oklahoma State University, and her bachelor’s degree from the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
Before transitioning to faculty, Amanda was a higher education administrator in residence life and focused on equity, student leadership, and student conduct. Her research explores questions of equity and inclusion from individual, organizational, and ecological perspectives. Dr. Mollet primarily focuses on experiences of students, faculty, and staff with historically minoritized sexual and gender identities. She is specifically known for her research centering asexual and aromantic college students.
Education —
Research —
Amanda’s research aligns within two primary areas: (1) the development and experiences of LGBTQIA+ students in higher education and (2) equity and inclusion in educational contexts. She remains one of the only higher education scholars advancing studies of asexuality and aromanticism as distinct social identities. As a scholar, Amanda uses her practitioner experience as a tool for outlining strategies, interventions, and policies for applying her research to reducing inequality in higher education.
Research interests:
- asexuality
- college students
- campus environments
- college student development
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion
- diversity leadership
- qualitative methods
Selected Publications —
Mollet, A.L. & Smoot, J. (In Press). “We are the authors of our relationship”: Queering “love languages” in LGBTQ+ Students’ Intimate Relationships. Accepted to: Journal of College Student Development.
Mollet, A. L., & Parker, E. (In Press). LGBTQ students’ experiences with material hardship at research universities. Accepted in Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.
Mollet, A. L., Fitzsimmons, B., Valley, S. (2024). Have your cake and learn about it too: Supporting asexual and aromantic college students. In K. Prieto & A. Herridge (Eds.), Perspectives on Transforming Higher Education and the LGBTQIA Student Experience (pp. 68-89). IGI Global.
Mollet, A. L. (2023). “It’s easier just to say I’m queer”: Exploring identity disclosure of asexual college students. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 16(1), 13-25.
Mollet, A. L., & Black, W. (2023). A quantitative examination of coercive rape tactics perpetrated against asexual college students. Journal of College Student Development, 64(1), 96-101.
Mollet, A. L., & Wolf-Wendel, L. E. (2022). “I don’t know how they think this is possible”: Work-life of academic parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. In A. L. Mollet, L. E. Wolf-Wendel, & Kinzie, J. L. (Eds.)Policy and Practice Emerging from the COVID-19 Pandemic. New Directions for Higher Education, pp 57-72.
Mollet, A. L., Holmes, J., & Linley, J. L. (2022). An Analysis of Underrepresented Minority STEM Students' GPAs Relative to Good Teaching Practices.Journal of Women and Minorities in STEM, 28(5), 1-24.
Mollet, A.L., & Black, W. (2021). A-nother perspective: An analysis of asexual college students’ experiences with sexual violence. Accepted for publication in the Journal of College Student Development, 62(5), 526-546.
Mollet, A. L., Weaver, K. E., Holmes, J. M., Linley, J. L., Hurley, E. A., & Renn, K. A. (2021). Queer in residence: Exploring the on-campus housing ecological systems of queer college students. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 58(1), 1-14.
Mollet, A. L. (2020). “I have a lot of feelings, just none in the genitalia region”:A grounded theory of asexual college students’ identity journeys. Journal of College Student Development, 61(2), 189-206.
Mollet, A. L., & Lackman, B. (2018). Asexual borderlands: Asexual collegians’ reflections on inclusion under the LGBTQ umbrella. Journal of College Student Development, 59(5), 623-628.
Selected Presentations —
Mollet, A. L. (2024, January). “There’s No Roadmap for This”: Asexual and Aromantic College Students’ Healthy Intimate Relationships. Presented at Hawaii International Conference on Education, Kona, HI.
Valley, S., & Mollet, A. L. (2024, March). “There’s no roadmap for this”: Asexual/Aromantic Students’ Healthy Intimate Relationships. Presented at ACPA 2024 Convention, Chicago, IL.
Kinchen, J., Mollet, A.L., & Mendoza-Y. (2023, March). Engaging research to humanize the LGBTQ+ student veteran experience. Presented at ACPA 2023 Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Mollet, A. L., & Smoot, J. A. (2022, November). “We are the authors of our relationship”: Queering “love languages” in LGBTQ+ Students’ Intimate Relationships. Paper presentation at ASHE 2022.
Weaver, K. E., Mohebali, M., Mollet, A. L., Conner, B., Patterson, C., and Watt, S. K. (2022, November). Co-humanization in Dialogue: Skills of Being. Accepted for paper presentation at ASHE 2022.
Mollet, A. L. (2022, March). Qualitatively examining education PhD students’ faculty job search processes. Paper presented at College Student Educators International (ACPA) Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Mollet, A. L., Rosetti, M.^, Smoot, J. A.** (2022, March). A piece of cake: Integrating asexuality in sexual health education. Presented at College Student Educators International (ACPA) Conference, St. Louis, MO. Sponsored by Coalition for Sexuality and Gender Identities.
Awards & Honors —
- 2023- KU Sexuality & Gender Diversity Center Outstanding Faculty Pride Award
- 2022- KU Student Involvement & Leadership, Outstanding Student Organization Advisor
- 2022-present- National Center for Institutional Diversity, Diversity Scholars Network
- 2022-2024- ACPA Emerging Scholars Designee
- 2021- KU SOEHS Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Teaching, Research, & Service Award
- 2020-2022- NASPA Emerging Faculty Leaders Academy
- 2017- ACPA Coalition for LGBT Awareness Research Recognition Award
- 2016- Pride Foundation, Equal Access & Opportunity Award
- 2013- ACPA Coalition for Graduate Students & New Pros., Outstanding New Professional
- 2005, 2009, 2010- NACURH, Inc. Bronze Pin (school-level recognition)
- 2009- Oklahoma State University Graduate College Phoenix Award
- 2009- Oklahoma College Student Personnel Association Outstanding Master’s Student
- 2009- ACPA Coalition for Graduate Students & New Pros., Outstanding Master’s Student
- 2009- Virtual Case Study, 1st Place
- 2008- NACURH, Inc Gold Pin (international-level recognition)
- 2008- Oklahoma State University President’s Outstanding Master’s Student
Service —
With nearly a decade of experience in residence life and housing before receiving her doctorate, Amanda merges her professional experience with her research knowledge serving on the editorial board for the Journal of College and University Student Housing. She also serves on the editorial boards for the Journal of College Student Development’s Research in Brief, Psychology & Sexuality, and the Journal of Queer & Trans Studies in Education. With her commitment to professional service, Amanda is currently the Vice President of Volunteer Leadership on ACPA’s Leadership Council. In ACPA, she has served in many leadership roles including Governing Board Member-at-large, Chair of the Coalition for Sexual and Gender Identities, Chair of Graduate Students and New Professionals, and Convention Planning Team. She has also contributed to ASHE as a discussant, chair, program reviewer, and member of the program team for the 2024 conference.
Amanda has provided service to KU as a general and executive member of the Faculty Senate, as a senator in University Senate, as a member of the SOEHS scholarship and diversity committees, and through continual engagement with the Center for Teaching Excellence.